
Through thorough research and interviews conducted with art practitioners from across the Arab and Islamic Worlds, the Institute of Arab and Islamic Art developed a program called RECK. Through our Residency Program, Exhibitions, Collaborations and Knowledge Building facility, IAIA will provide a platform for the fair representation of Artists, Curators, Writers and Scholars, and ensure that opportunities, resources and facilities are accessible to them.
Residency Program
The Institute of Arab and Islamic Art's Residency program is tailored to serve artists, curators, critics and writers of diverse ages, ethnic backgrounds and disciplines. The program will specifically provide an opportunity for artists and art practitioners across the Arab and Islamic region with the facilities and resources needed to live and work in New York City throughout the course of their residency.
IAIA will seek artists, critics and curators that take an interest and are looking to develop an engagement with NYC. The residents will be provided with access to explore monumental works from crucial movements born in NYC such as Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism and Conceptual Art, which due to lack of resources, many artists from the region have not had the the opportunity to experience firsthand. The residents will establish a long term relationship with the Institute and will present their works and projects at IAIA’s space.

The Institute of Arab and Islamic Art will present 3 to 4 extensively-researched and curated exhibitions on an annual basis. Each exhibition will focus on a specific narrative developed and presented by our Exhibition Program Director and Adjunct Curator. Our exhibitions will provide an opportunity for artists from the Arab and Islamic world to exhibit their work to a larger audience here in New York City, thus enabling them to join a broader global conversation. Exhibitions devised at foundations and institutes across the Arab and Islamic world will also be invited to travel to IAIA’s space.

The Institute of Arab and Islamic Art values collaborations with institutes, museums and foundations across the Arab and Islamic region and others across the globe. IAIA believes in joining forces and working together to build highly-curated exhibitions, publications and present diverse, thought-provoking projects. Sharing resources are fundamental aspects for creating sustainable channels of communication and knowledge building. IAIA will welcome exhibitions traveling across the globe, specifically from the Arab and Islamic world, providing them with the opportunity of being presented to a larger audience in America.

Knowledge Building
Knowledge and education has always been at the cornerstone of Arab and Islamic Cultures. In an effort to promote cross-cultural understanding and knowledge building, IAIA will dedicate a large segment of its resources to publications, translations and lectures on subjects relating to Arab and Islamic civilizations. Working closely with its advisory committee, IAIA will present to its Board of Trustees a selection of subjects to engage writer and scholars in translations and publications.

Photo © from top to bottom; Dana Awartani Stuio, Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, Untitled (D2), 2015(Third Line Gallery), Via Alxenadar and Bonin, Ibrahim El-Salah 1964-66i, Kufic script, 8th or 9th century (Surah 48: 27–28) Qur'an.